In previous posts I’ve talked a lot about the “questioning” techniques used in active listening.  However WHAT is said only makes up 10% of communication, the other 90% is para-verbal communication and body language.  Para-verbal communication are all the not what how bubbleaspects of speech that are not the actual words; the tone, the cadence, and the pitch, essentially it’s HOW something was said.  Paying attention to your para-verbals is key to establishing real communication.  However even more important is paying attention to your buyers para-verbals. These will convey level of interest, whether or not there are unstated concerns that can sink the deal, the level of fear or uncertainty the buyer is experiencing, etc.




Here’s the best part… by understanding your client’s para-verbal communication you’ll be able to build trust by sending the very clear message that you are more concerned with the client than you are with your commission.  For example: ”Paul, I’m sensing a little bit of uncertainty in your voice. I’m here to make sure that you’re taken care of in this process.  What are you feeling uncomfortable about?”   Imagine the powerful reaction and great information you’ll get by simply paying attention to your client’s para-verbal communication.

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